Imani Legacy Leadership development- Financial Services Company

Team imani legacy financial professionals

Upcoming Events & Seminars

Stay informed and empowered with our events and seminars focused on diverse financial topics.

Explore our schedule to reserve your spot at insightful sessions designed to enhance your financial knowledge and strategies. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from industry experts and connect with like-minded individuals on your journey towards financial success."

Live ZoomOnline Sessions


Are you eager to boost your financial knowledge and take control of your financial future? 

Weekly Financial Empowerment Sessions with Edna Ngowi

These sessions are your opportunity to learn from a financial expert who is dedicated to empowering the African diaspora with financial knowledge. Whether you’re a partner or someone looking to expand your financial understanding, our Friday Zoom meetings are the perfect opportunity to invest in your financial future.

Weekly Zoom - Financial Empowerment Sessions with

Book One on Sessions specific for your financial needs

"Ready to take control of your financial future?

Book a personalized consultation with our experts. Whether you're seeking retirement planning, investment guidance, or comprehensive financial strategies, our team is here to provide tailored solutions. Choose your preferred service and schedule an appointment to start charting your path toward financial success."

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Retirement planning

Secure your future with tailored retirement plans, ensuring financial stability and peace of mind.


Life Insurance

Protect your loved ones with customizable life insurance solutions, offering security and reassurance.

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Business Growth

Unlock your business potential with strategies for sustainable growth and long-term success.


Financial Coaching

Achieve your financial goals with expert guidance, empowering you to make informed, impactful decisions.


Workshops & Seminars

Gain valuable insights through engaging workshops and seminars, enhancing financial literacy and knowledge.

Emergency Funds

Prepare for the unexpected with plans to build emergency funds, ensuring financial resilience.

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Anthony Rodgers, Manager